by Marjorie Brody My health insurance agent recently recommended that I change my healthcare policy. I asked him, “If you were me, would you switch to this new policy?” He replied, “I already switched to the same policy myself.” I gave him the go-ahead to make the change. Why? Because I trust him. In the past, […]
The Type of Game That Kills Creativity and Innovation
by Stephen Shapiro , CSP, CPAE There are two types of games. One kills creativity and the other is for kids . . . Business is serious. Right? But what if we could game playing to enhance our businesses? Games can be a useful tool for enhancing creativity. They make work more fun, they reduce […]
Decoding leadership: What really matters
By Claudio Feser, Fernanda Mayol, and Ramesh Srinivasan New research suggests that the secret to developing effective leaders is to encourage four types of behavior. Telling CEOs these days that leadership drives performance is a bit like saying that oxygen is necessary to breathe. Over 90 percent of CEOs are already planning to increase investment in leadership development […]
Are you serving each other with respect?
by Liz Weber, CMC, CSP If I were to ask each of your managers to rate how well they and their teams are being served by other departments within your company, which of the eight options listed below would they choose? We receive excellent service from every colleague and/or department with which we interact. We receive […]
ONE WORD Can Help You Get More Done in Less Time!
by Steven Iwersen “If I have one more thing that doesn’t get done on schedule, I’m going to…!” The frustration is mounting for many leaders around the world. Everyone expects us to sprint to the expected outcomes; but at the same time the varied demands for our time and attention slow us down. It begins to […]
You Can’t Be A Great Leader Without Trust — Here’s How You Build It
by David Horsager Among all the attributes of the greatest leaders of our time, one stands above the rest: They are all highly trusted. You can have a compelling vision, rock-solid strategy, excellent communication skills, innovative insight, and a skilled team, but if people don’t trust you, you will never get the results you want. Leaders […]