½ day – Thursday, August 13, 2020
With Holly Green
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Session

Your brain is your most powerful competitive weapon –if you know how to use it properly. The brain can process large amounts of information. It has a real talent for forming patterns and connections. And it loves to answer questions. It also has a tendency to see what it expects to see, overlook data that contradicts its prevailing view of the world, and have greater confidence in its decision-making abilities than it should. Unfortunately, the human brain was not set up to work effectively at the pace we are expected to move today. This causes interesting behaviors at work. In today’s hyper paced world, our brain tends to travel in our ‘comfort corridors’, thinking and doing the same things over and over despite all the change around us.
We have to turn on our brain vs. behave in rote behaviors. We’re running fast. We’re not ‘to thinking’ as much as our complex world needs. Top performers make new neural connections, change perspective, challenge assumptions and maintain an unwavering focus on the target. This enables them to lead by pausing, thinking, and focusing so they are running in the right direction, with their team in the same race, unlearning along the way, and winning the race they want to win.
Leveraging the latest in neuroscience, you’ll get tools, techniques and tips for increasing your effectiveness as a leader and rebuilding resilience in yourself and others. You’ll learn how to focus yourself and your team on winning every day to achieve desired results.
The session enables participants to better understand how to truly thrive in an environment of constant distraction. You’ll practice playing with your brain and walk away with practices you can immediately put to use to be even more successful!

Holly guides leaders and their organizations in achieving greater success by teaching you to leverage your brain and the brains of others.
An experienced business leader and behavioral scientist, Holly has a rare combination of extensive academic training and in-the-trenches experience working in and leading organizations. She has also worked with elite performers including the United States Navy SEALs, Top Gun Fighter Pilots, Olympic athletes, senior NFL referees, the FBI Leadership Academy, and two United States Presidents. Holly is the former president of The Ken Blanchard Company, and co-founder of a biotech firm. She has worked in senior leadership roles with global giants including The Coca Cola Company, Dell Computer, Deloitte, and Bass Hotels and Resorts.
Featured on numerous TV and radio shows including NBC, ABC, Fox News, and NPR, Holly is a frequently quoted expert and has been in USA Today, Investor’s Business Daily, The Los Angeles Times, BusinessWeek and the Wall Street Journal among others. She was a regular contributor to Forbes for years and is a highlighted expert on numerous leadership, strategic planning, and innovation blogs.
Holly holds a Bachelor’s degree in behavioral sciences and a Master of Science degree in organization development. Her postgraduate studies are in neurophysiology. She is a best-selling author of numerous books including Using Your Brain to Win. She is an adjunct professor at Webster University, teaching courses in the graduate program. She is the founder of the Management Development Institute offered at San Diego State University.
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- How to leverage your brain and the brains of others each and every day at work
- How to focus yourself and your team on winning to achieve desired results
- How to maintain/rebuild resilience in ourselves and others in constant change
- How to remain focused and energized on achieving desired results
Timed Outline:
9:00 to 10:30
The basics of your brain
- Brain facts
- Understanding how & why we think the way we do at work (ladder of inference) -what leads adult humans to their behaviors
- Proving ourselves right
- How do we unlearn & why is it critical
- Thinking about what we are thinking about
10:45 to 12:00
Change & our brains today
- Responses to unexpected vs understood change
- The factors of becoming resilient
- Positive
- Focused
- Flexible
- Proactive
- Organized
Competencies and Target Audience
Competencies Covered
Change Management/Agility
Level of Leaders
MOST appropriate = Level 2 (Leader of Others) = Middle managers, people leaders, frontline supervisors
NEXT appropriate = Level 1 (Leader of Leaders) = Senior leaders, executives, large span of control
Registration Options & Pricing
To register one or more attendees online with a credit card, click the desired link below. You’ll receive an email confirmation with a receipt. Each person registered will receive a ticket with detailed instructions.
To receive an invoice or pay with a check, please email our registrar [email protected] with attendee names, titles, and email addresses.
Live Stream Per Person
- Single-Device/Single-User License per event – $49 per person (members)
- Single-Device/Single-User License per event – $99 per person (non-members)
If you have multiple sites or are not a member of LEADERSHIP USA, please email [email protected] for options.
Recorded Live Event . . . BUY THE RECORDING
- $49 per member
- $1,999 unlimited license for all employees in all locations
Additional Information
Delivery Method: Group-Live
Elements of Engagement: Large group discussion, small group discussion, partner exercises, individual reflection
Recommended CPE Credits: 3.6 for the Group Live event only
Recommended Field of Study: Personal Development
Program Level: Basic
Prerequisites: NONE
Advance Preparation: NONE
Cancellation Policy: A 100% refund will be given if notice is received 72-hours (3 business days) prior to the learning event. Within 3 business days, substitutions ARE allowed. No refunds are given for sickness or inclement weather, unless CDOT closes the roads. Registrants who do not attend and do not substitute another person will receive a recording of the event. For more information regarding refunds, concerns, and program cancellation policies, please contact our offices at 303-471-7401. Please email our registrar Nadine Balabanoff at [email protected] to have your ticket transferred to another attendee.

LEADERSHIP USA, Inc. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. These programs have been submitted to the NASBA for review for 3.6 recertification credits. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its web site: www.nasbaregistry.org

This activity has been approved for 3.0 HR General recertification credit hours toward California, GPHR, PHRi, SPHRi, PHR and SPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute. The use of this seal confirms that this activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.

This program is valid for 3.0 PDCs for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM.
If you have membership or registration questions, please contact [email protected] or call 303-471-7401.