by Ann Tardy, JD, CSP According to research: 65% of employees want more feedback from their boss 72% believe their performance would improve if their boss offered more feedback And yet feedback continues to be hijacked. Why? Because, in spite of its enormous value, it can be confronting. Ultimately feedback reveals us to ourselves. Consequently, people avoid asking […]
Low Employee Engagement Appears to be the Managers Fault
by Steven Iwersen, CSP It has been said that people don’t leave companies, they leave people. When an employee chooses to leave an organization it is more likely because they have reached a level of dissatisfaction in a relationship with their immediate supervisor. This problem is more pervasive than employers like to admit. When I […]
Not Every Great Employee is A Good Fit
By Liz Weber, CMC, CSP Hallelujah! After weeks, if not months, of diligent searching, resume and LinkedIn profile reviews, phone interviews, and then multi-stage in-person and team interviews, you’ve hired THE right person for your team. Kayla’s got the skills, experience, credentials, references, work ethic, communication skills, team skills, and personality you need. She’s got […]
There’s No Hacking Leadership
by Richard Hadden, CSP One of my new least favorite words (along with “handcrafted” and “curated”, but that’s another post altogether) is the word “hack”. Not in the old sense of a taxi driver (remember taxis?), or even the newer sense of criminals who steal our online stuff. Or the even newer meaning, as in the Russians, […]
4 Ways To Shift Focus Between “Drift” and “Flow”
By Erika Garms PH.D., CSP In my last blog, I shared several big ideas about focus: There are four aspects to corralling and sustaining focus: It’s likely that one or two of the aspects above is a bigger challenge for you than the others (click) HERE for a quick self-assessment to help you pinpoint your challenge area(s) Focus exists […]
Is My Bias Showing? What Bias?
By Amy Tolbert, PH.D., CSP Knowing we are all biased may be a hard pill to swallow. Unconscious bias is a key component of diversity and inclusion; it impacts our workplace relationships every day. It is not a question of if we are biased, but knowing which bias is at play is the first step to awareness. With that […]