Wednesday, September 15, 2021
With Thomas Crouser Jr.
8:30 AM to 9:00 AM Registration
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Session
The Conference Center at RidgeGate
9878 Schwab Way, Suite 401, Lone Tree, CO 80124

Today’s organizations are facing a leadership crisis. Whether small or large, corporate or non-profit, revenues in the thousands or millions, the greatest companies of tomorrow must DEVELOP LEADERS NOW! And the future leaders must proactively elevate their own skills and competencies in order to continuously attain success in the future. During this event, our guest speaker Thomas Crouser Jr. will expand your perspective on leadership, show you how to successfully attain a team leader role, teach you how to be highly effective from day one, and share ways that new leaders can better inspire their team and consistently exceed expectations.

Thomas Crouser Jr. is the Chief Learning Officer of Minds Emerging Talent Development. In this role, he helps organizations create valuable learning experiences that transform emerging managers into highly effective leaders. Tom believes that the “keys to success” are actually core leadership attributes that can be replicated across multiple industries, as Tom has proven throughout his career. His own professional experience ranges from leading leadership development programs in the biopharmaceutical industry to receiving over 100 film festival awards as an independent film producer. Tom creates, customizes, and facilitates valuable learning experiences and develops curriculum for emerging manager programs to enhance the impact of new team leaders. His past experience includes Senior Training Manager for the Management and Leadership Development team at Genentech, Past-President for the Pikes Peak Chapter of the Association for Talent Development (ATD), and lead Executive District Manager for AstraZeneca’s national Respiratory Biologics Field-Based Trainer team. Tom is also a Film Producer, Casting Director, Writer, Director, and Actor with TOLIAN Productions – an independent film production company that he launched with his son in 2018. Besides helping other people succeed, he enjoys experiencing life with his wife, children, family, friends… and Jesus is his CEO. Tom is a competitive sports enthusiast, finding significant enjoyment from Mountain Biking, Snow Skiing, and TaeKwonDo. He loves producing films, traveling the world, and just simply having fun. Tom is sometimes funny, always cool, and his favorite hashtag is #ItDoesNotSuck
Learning Objectives:
After this learning event, attendees will know how to:
- Significantly enhance their effectiveness before, during, and after the interview
- Learn the 10 things new leaders must do to help their team members succeed
- Understand how to increase team engagement by creating “Value Connections”
- Practice the art of sharing feedback with employees to strengthen their skills
- And more!!
Competencies and Target Audience
Competencies Covered
Executive Presence
Level of Leaders
MOST appropriate = Level 3 (Leader of Self) = High potentials, emerging leaders, 1st time managers
NEXT appropriate = Level 2 (Leader of Others) = Middle managers, people leaders, frontline supervisors
Registration Options & Pricing
To register one or more attendees online with a credit card, click the desired link below. You’ll receive an email confirmation with a receipt. Each person registered will receive a ticket with detailed instructions.
To receive an invoice or pay with a check, please email our registrar [email protected] with attendee names, titles, and email addresses.
Live Instructor-Led Event in Denver . . . REGISTER FOR DENVER
- $249 per person (includes breakfast, materials, and parking)
- $1999 for 10 people
Live Stream or Recording . . . REGISTER FOR LIVE STREAM
- $129 per person
- $1249 for 25 people
- $1999 for 125 people
Recorded Live Event . . . BUY THE RECORDING
Additional Information
Delivery Method: Group-Live
Elements of Engagement: Large group discussion, small group discussion, partner exercises, individual reflection
Recommended CPE Credits: 3.6 for the Group Live event only
Recommended Field of Study: Personal Development
Program Level: Basic
Prerequisites: NONE
Advance Preparation: NONE
Cancellation Policy: A 100% refund will be given if notice is received 72-hours (3 business days) prior to the learning event. Within 3 business days, substitutions ARE allowed. No refunds are given for sickness or inclement weather, unless CDOT closes the roads. Registrants who do not attend and do not substitute another person will receive a recording of the event. For more information regarding refunds, concerns, and program cancellation policies, please contact our offices at 303-471-7401. Please email our registrar Nadine Balabanoff at [email protected] to have your ticket transferred to another attendee.

LEADERSHIP USA, Inc. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. These programs have been submitted to the NASBA for review for 3.6 recertification credits. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its web site:

This activity has been approved for 3 HR General recertification credit hours toward California, GPHR, PHRi, SPHRi, PHR and SPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute. The use of this seal confirms that this activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.

This program is valid for 3 PDCs for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM.
If you have membership or registration questions, please contact [email protected] or call 303-471-7401.