By Jan Dwyer Bang, MBA, CSP We’ve seen it, read about it, or even experienced it. Downsizing, lay-offs, and workplace changes. Clearly, it’s a horrible thing to be laid off, and few people would willingly volunteer. But, there is often a silver lining for these people. They have a wealth of resources to tap into […]
Keep On Keeping On: Top 4 Tips to Disrupt Like a Champ
By Peter Sheahan, CPAE No matter what industry, the old story has never been more true – whether you are a gazelle or a lion, you have to run faster than others to survive. The world changes quickly, and in an amplified way. It can seem like one misstep will have disastrous results. But when […]
Great Social Media Etiquette is Money in the Bank
By Joel G. Block, CPA, CSP People frequently ask how I have such a significant social media following and how I engage with them. I have put together a few thoughts to help my friends and colleagues be more successful on-line. I don’t speak or consult on this topic, but it was recently reported that […]
LUSA Store: Peter Sheahan
Leading Growth and Transformation: How Leaders Accelerate Their Organizations’ Progress to the Future Peter Sheahan January 24, 2020 Welcome! Print this Participant Workbook to complete the activities during the class. Part 1: February 2020 Part 2: February 2020 NOTE: Videos and course content must be viewed in this native format; it is not lawful to download these files. […]
Why Goals Don’t Work and What to Do Instead
By Marcia Reynolds, PsyD, CSP I am cautious about asking my clients to set goals because most goals don’t work. Even if your goal is smart (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound), your brain finds a way to sabotage your best laid plans. Goals don’t work because people don’t create the mental habits that supports […]
Decisions Don’t Have Answers – They Have Outcomes
By Bob Wendover, CSP It has become very easy to presume that there must be an answer out there for every decision. Maybe you can find it on Google. Perhaps there’s a video explaining it on YouTube. If nothing else launch a Facebook survey. Those people will tell you what to do. Effective decision makers, […]